As you are aware The Fox Waterway Agency was created to improve and maintain the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes public waterway for recreational uses, to restore environmental quality, help manage flooding, promote tourism, and enhance the quality of life along the waterway for residents and users alike. McHenry County, City of McHenry, and CMAP have sought feedback from several stakeholders along the river and embarked on an effort to help develop a plan for the future of the Fox River from Burtons Bridge to North Chapel Hill Road in Johnsburg. You’re encouraged to visit the project page to share your ideas. The Fox Waterway Agency appreciates the feedback of our waterway’s surrounding municipalities, counties, boaters and waterway supporters. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Thank you,
Joseph S. Keller, Executive Director
Fox Waterway Agency,
Preserving our great Fox Waterway for all!
45 South Pistakee Lake Road
Fox Lake, IL 60020
FWA Phone: 847-587-8540
FWA Fax: 847-587-9742