
Fox Waterway Agency Safety Policy Statement
MARCH 23, 2016 – Pursuant to its enabling statue, the Fox Waterway Agency adopted rules and programs to improve and maintain the Fox Waterway “for the purposes of boating, sailing, canoeing, swimming, water skiing, rowing, iceboating, fishing, hunting and other recreational uses, to help prevent or control flooding of the waterway, to improved recreational uses of the waterway, to prevent pollution and otherwise improve the quality of the waterway, to promote tourism, and to create and administer a procedure for establishing restricted areas.” Please refer to the Master Ordinance Book link on the right for more information. Illinois law does not require the Fox Waterway Agency to restrict boat sizes, enact speed limits, prohibit swimming in certain areas, or to adopt other such rules and programs that relate to safety. It is the position of the Fox Waterway Agency Board that issues related to safety are more appropriately address by financially capable law enforcement agencies with arrest powers, including the U.S. Coast Guard, Illinois Department of Conservation police, and the McHenry and Lake County Sheriff’s police. Concerns or suggested related to safety should be directed to one of these agencies:
IDNR – Conservation Police (847-608-3100)
Lake County Sheriff (Marine Base: 847-587-4470 / Main Office: 847-549-5200)
McHenry County Sheriff (Marine Base: 815-385-3239 / Main Office: 815-338-2144)
U.S. Coast Guard (800-336-2628)
This is only a guide to the highlights of the Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act. The entire Act may be found in the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 625. Please review by clicking this link: Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act.
Educational Outreach & Boat Safety Program: The Agency supports and encourages boat safety courses and workshops offered by the USCG Auxillary and the US Power Squadron along with other official groups.