Mission Statement

The Fox Waterway Agency was created to improve and maintain the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes public waterway for recreational uses, to restore environmental quality, minimize flooding, promote tourism, and enhance the quality of life along the waterway for residents and users alike.

Our jurisdiction includes the 15 interconnected lakes, which make up the Fox River Chain O’Lakes and 30 miles of the Fox River stretching from the Wisconsin State line to the Algonquin Dam, as well as their tributaries and over 40 miles of navigable channels. Although our physical jurisdiction is limited to the Waterway itself, our partnerships with local landowners and organizations, and governmental agencies allows the Fox Waterway Agency to cooperate in many land-based projects that affect the waterway.



Restore and maintain the biological, chemical, and physical integrity of the Fox Waterway to enhance water quality, fish and wildlife populations, and ecosystem health.

Our Goals


icono_salvavidasRECREATION: Improve and maintain a safer waterway for a variety of recreational uses, including power and non-powered boating (i.e. power boat cruising, power boat racing, canoeing, sailing, canoe racing, sail boat racing, sailing school, personal watercraft), water skiing, fishing, hunting, swimming, and scenic enjoyment.

icono_salvavidasENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Continue to restore and maintain the biological, chemical, and physical integrity of the Fox Waterway to enhance water quality, fish and wildlife populations, and ecosystem health.

icono_salvavidasFLOODING: Reduce the damages to buildings, septic systems, and water-based businesses due to high waters and flooding.

icono_salvavidasTOURISM: Encourage and promote the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes as a Midwestern tourist destination for a full range of water-based recreational uses, such as power boating, boat racing, fishing, hunting, sailing, canoeing, swimming, water-accessed dining, restaurant cruises, historical interests and scenic enjoyment.

icono_salvavidasPUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY: Provide a publicly accountable and professionally run organization that is fiscally sound with a well trained, customer-service-oriented staff, is responsible to the waterway users and the residents of the territory, and has the necessary resources to perform its mission.

Encourage and promote the Fox River and Chain O’Lakes as a Midwestern tourist destination for a full range of water-based recreational uses, such as power boating, boat racing, fishing, hunting, sailing, canoeing, swimming, water-accessed dining, restaurant cruises, historical interests and scenic enjoyment.

What We Do


icono_salvavidasTopsoil Recycling

icono_salvavidasNavigational Aids (Buoys)

icono_salvavidasWaterfowl Blind Permits



What We Do


icono_salvavidasTopsoil Recycling

icono_salvavidasNavigational Aids (Buoys)

icono_salvavidasWaterfowl Blind Permits


icono_salvavidasCustomer Concerns & Emergency Response

icono_salvavidasHomeowner Buoy Program

icono_salvavidasSpecial Events Permits

icono_salvavidasFWA Code of Ordinance

icono_salvavidasRestricted Areas

icono_salvavidasPublic Technical Assistance

icono_salvavidasMajor Capital Projects