Current Conditions:
Inflows to the Chain of Lakes have crested and are falling, with a greater reduction than anticipated.
Fox Lake stage is at 8 feet and appears to be cresting today.
The dam in Burlington has not breached. Burlington, WI is experiencing record flooding on the Fox
The National Weather Service is forecasting up to 1” of rain over the Fox River watershed next 5 days.
This flow is higher than we have seen on the Chain, so our lake and river stage estimates are interpolated
from our known information. There is some uncertainty because we have no historic record to compare.
The Chain ‘O Lakes may crest from 8.0 – 8.1 ft today. Another inch of increase in water levels may occur. Normal summer pool levels: 3.8 – 4.25 feet.
Stratton HW gage, UPPER RIVER, will crest over 5.9 – 6.3 ft on July 16 The current stage is 5.4 ft. Another 7-11 inches may occur. Normal summer pool levels: 3.8 – 4.25 feet.
Stratton TW gage, LOWER RIVER, may crest over 7.3 – 7.7 ft on July 16. The current stage is 7.2 ft. Another 1-5 inches may occur. Normal summer pool levels: 1.6 – 2 feet.
PLEASE BE ON ALERT AND REPORT ANY POTENTIAL DANGERS OR IMPEDIMENTS ON OUR WATERWAY AND ITS BRIDGES AND DIAL 911 IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. Preferably use our customer concern form on the website for any floating debris or hazards that should be reported. Please remember that winds, rain and other factors can affect this Flood.