Bid Summary

The Fox Waterway Agency is seeking bids for two (2), 54 x 104’ 16’ post frame pole barns to be
located at 26175 W. Oak Ave, Antioch, IL 60002 and 23255 W. Wall Street, Lake Villa, IL 60046.
This project includes furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary at the above
locations to complete the work consisting of concrete, post frame buildings, doors, windows,
plumbing, heating, electrical, well, and septic. This project shall be a Lump Sum Contract with
the Owner.

Bid packets can be obtained at HR Green, Inc., telephone 815-385-1778, beginning February 8,
2024. Provide company name, street address, name of contact person, telephone number, fax
number and email address with application. Bidding Documents will be provided in electronic
format, downloadable from the Engineer’s FTP site.
Hard copy bid packets can also be picked up at the Fox Waterway Agency 45 S. Pistakee Lake
Rd, Fox Lake, IL 60020 beginning February 8, 2024, from 9 AM to 4 PM. Provide company name,
street address, name of contact person, telephone number, fax number and email address with

Funding for Project is via Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DECO).
Therefore, an overall Business Enterprise Program (BEP) utilization goal of 20% has been
determined for the project, with 4% for minority-owned MBE or WMBEs) business enterprises and
16% going to women-owned business enterprises (WBE or WMBEs). The combined MBE/WBE
utilization goals are based on the availability of certified vendors to perform the anticipated direct
subcontracting opportunities of the Utilization Plan (UP).
Questions relating to these Bidding Documents shall be directed to Chad Pieper at HR Green, Inc.,
telephone number 815-759-8346.

Bid due date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 10:00 am

Fox Waterway Agency
45 S. Pistakee Lake Road
Fox Lake, Illinois 60020
Phone (847) 587-8540
OWNER’S Representative: Joe Keller, Executive Director