Dear all,
Anglers who wish to fish during the ‘Stay at Home’ order may do so provided they have the appropriate licensing and permits and fishing on private property or at sites which are currently open to the public. We ask our anglers to help their fellow outdoorsmen and women by following all public health directives; including staying at least six feet away from other sportsmen and staying home if they’re exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.
Specifically, the Fox Waterway Agency has kept the waterways open during the state’s stay-at-home order with a 2020 FWA user sticker, but that could change quickly if users don’t abide by safe social distancing rules by maintaining a 6-foot separation boaters or family groups, and follow CDC recommended COVID-19 prevention strategies.
The FWA and law enforcement are keeping a close eye on the waterway to make sure people are respecting the 6-foot social distancing rule, which includes not tying up to another boat or anchoring closer than 1 O feet from another boat. By following these rules, users can help keep the waterway safe, healthy and open. The behavior of our users is essential to maintaining the safety and openness of our great waterway during this time. lt is critica! that we follow FWA safety measures and CDC rules and guidelines. Our waterway provides a vast opportunity to practice these essential social distancing measures to keep you and your loved ones safe during this world-wide Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic. We emphasize strongly keeping your boating experience to your immediate family. We also emphasize fishermen who fish with another on their boat maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet apart.
Please click the following link from the CDC on necessary prevention and social distancing measures:
Our offices remain closed to the public during this time but staff continues to work safely for you. Please mail or complete your watercraft renewal online. Our team continues to process 2020 stickers in a timely manner. We have also placed a drop box by our front door during the hours of 9-4 pm Monday through Friday. lf you have a new registration please visit: and you will be able to print and complete the application from the comfort of your own home. You can also visit one of our satellites, but please call ahead to see if they are open and/or have reduced hours: php/satellite-locations/
Thank you and we wish you and your loved ones a safe and healthy spring on the Fox Waterway!
Joseph S. Keller, Executive Director, FWA
FWA Stickers: